To apply an Everything5pounds voucher code, simply add your desired items to the shopping bag. When the basket summary appears on the right, enter your code into the "Discount code or gift card" field and click 'apply'. You can also do this at checkout in the designated coupon field before finalising your purchase.
Yes, Everything 5 Pounds offers free delivery within the UK for orders totalling £25 or more. This allows you to enjoy a variety of products without incurring additional shipping costs.
To stay informed about the latest Everything 5 Pounds discounts and codes, it's advisable to sign up for their newsletters. This way, you'll receive updates on current deals and discount opportunities directly in your inbox.
Everything 5 Pounds provides free returns only if the item you receive is wrong, damaged, or has a manufacturer's fault. For all other returns, customers are responsible for covering the return postage costs. You must initiate your return within 14 days from the date of receipt to be eligible.
At Everything 5 Pounds, customers are able to apply only one promo code per order. It's important to choose the code that provides you with the best value for your purchase.
Yes, Everything 5 Pounds offers a student discount. Students can enjoy a 5% saving on their purchases by verifying their status through Student Beans.
Discount | Promotion | Expiry |
5% Off | 5% off with the Everything 5 Pounds student discount code | - |
£3 Off | Up to £3 off trousers and leggings | - |
50% Off | Dresses on sale for up to 50% off (now from £2.50) | - |
20% Off | Lingerie and knitwear for as low as £1.80 (at least 20% off) | - |
£5.00 | 3 nail polishes for £5 | 24 December 2024 |
75% Off | Press on nails, polishes, and more for 10-75% off | - |
78% off | Up to 78% off winter boots | 24 December 2024 |