My daughter has been saving up for a new scooter for the Summer, she also needs a new helmet to go with it. I have been looking around and came across this amazing Raskullz Unicorn Safety Helmet! My daughter is going to love it, plus it's a bargain too!
This fun 3D helmet is in the shape of a unicorn, my daughter would love the idea of whizzing around on her scooter dressed like a unicorn!
If your little one is a unicorn fan then you just must snap one of these fab unicorn safety helmets up right away! It's just £13.99 and includes free standard home delivery from Tesco Direct.
The safety helmet features a shock-absorbing EPS inner shell for protection, aerodynamic cooling vents to keep the head nice and cool, and adjustable nylon straps for a comfortable fit.
It is suitable for children aged 4 years and upwards.