Parents Freebie: Free Sample Of Air Wick Aqua Mist Spray

Parents Freebie: Free Sample Of Air Wick Aqua Mist Spray


Fancy nabbing yourself a free sample of Air Wick’s Aqua Mist spray? Well they happen to be giving these away at the moment and all you need to do is join their exclusive Air Wick club.

The free sample looks pretty impressive actually, especially if it’s the same as the one in the picture. I love it when you get a nice full sized freebie as opposed to a teeny tiny sachet, but then I am totally greedy.

The Air Wick Fresher Homes club offers you exclusive money off deals, information on new products and fragrances, helpful hints and tips on how to make your home more welcoming and fresh, plus fun games and competitions.

It seems like a good deal actually, you can nab discounts and vouchers by dint of joining the club, and you also get a fat and juicy sample to say thank you. Nice. The form is pretty extensive, though, you’ll have to fill in quite  few boxes but it shouldn’t take you too long.

So, enjoy your free sample of Air Wick Aqua Mist Spray and your scrummy smelling home.

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Reply to

  • katrina
    I thought I'd give this a go as I haven't had much success with the freebies on this site. Filled in the details when to print coupon and it said."Unfortunately, you’ve reached the limit of coupons that you’re currently eligible to receive." annoying as I haven't had any coupons from them ever.
    • anthony
      Same here..
      • helen
        I got the same, what rubbish just to get your details. Plus the voucher said it was for a candle and not a spray
        • Tamsin O.
          I completely agree. I tested it out and it worked, then I asked several other people to test it after Katrina complained and everyone had the same error. I am very sorry and extremely disappointed in them.