Now, this freebie I’ve grasped with both, ahem, feet as it’s more than just fun free information and extras, it’s also a fantastic way to get fit this summer. I’ve got a whack of weddings and social activities coming up and the winter wibbles need to GO!
So, what’s this all about then? For most people walking is a safe and effective form of exercise and you can start off without checking with a doctor. However, if you’re very unfit or suffering from (or recovering from) a serious illness then first see a pro before setting off.
Your free Get Walking pack has a 12-week walking plan, a logbook and a free step counter. Personally the free step counter did it for me, I love that sort of thing. To get your pack just register and the kit will be sent out to you.
The packs are extremely popular so you are in for a bit of a wait but register anyway, when it arrives you’ll be nicely surprised because you’ve forgotten about it! Registration is easy and fairly quick and a new healthy, skinny body awaits! Oh, and they give you a ton of routes in your area so you can start while you wait for your step counter.