Kids Freebie: Free Mr Men Bruise Soother @

Kids Freebie: Free Mr Men Bruise Soother @

mrmenI actually own one of these! They are totally adorable and my daughter keeps insisting that she has an “ouchie” so she can play with him. Sadly he died an early death due to being put in the freezer by my helpful daughter. If you join My Egg today then you get a free bruise soother as a lovely present.

To be able to qualify for your free Mr Bump or Little Miss Helpful bruise soother you need to join the site and talk about your experiences with a child trust fund, ISA or children’s savings product. You write a product review, drop them an email to tell them about your review, and they’ll send you your little bruiser.

The stocks are limited and the idea quite brilliant. I like the idea of this site being reviews for parents by parents on all things to do littlemisshelpfulwith saving money for children and their future. So yes, writing your review about your experiences (be they good or bad) will maybe help someone else make a very important decision.

And you get a free Mr Men bruise soother, of course.

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  • victoria
    hiya could you please send me one of your mr bumps as i'm a all time child minered and need one as the children are always bang there heads
    • Vicky
      I think it's really important to save for your child's future. It's a relief to know that when they are ready to go out into the world they'll have some money to help them get started.