FREEBIE: Free Personalised Video Message from Santa @ PortableNorthPole.TV

FREEBIE: Free Personalised Video Message from Santa @ PortableNorthPole.TV

It's BACK! The Portable North Pole is back with their free personalised video messages from Santa and I'm ridiculously EXCITED!

With Christmas a mere 32 days away now is the time to get started on creating a video message, from Santa, for your child and THIS YEAR they have an adult option too; hurrah!

I wrote about this last year and the response was amazing; the video messages from Santa at the Portable North Pole are incredible and will absolutely enchant your child - I guarantee it!

I just showed my eldest son the promo' Portable North Pole video and it brought tears to his eyes, it's THAT magical (he's going to kill me for telling you that!).

THIS year there's an option for grown-ups too and I'm going to be getting started on a personalised video message from Santa for my husband as soon as I've finished telling you how to make one of your own.

First of all - DO NOT SEND US YOUR MESSAGES FOR SANTA! Lots of people did this last year and might have wondered where their message from Santa was; you need to go over to the Portable North Pole to do it.

Secondly, get some photos ready - video messages from Santa can include photos of your child (or wife/husband/whoever - the list of relationships is LONG, including male/female admirer!), and snaps of things you/they got up to this year.

Right, now you're ready!

Go over to the Portable North Pole and fill in all the information you're asked for, upload your pictures then just sit back and enjoy; I've been stalkiing the PNP for wEEKS now, waiting to be able to bring this to you again for 2011.

There's nothing to pay, no catches, no waiting - just unadulterated Christmas magic and sparkle. Seriously, just go and do it - you'll be very glad you did.

Happy messages from Santa!

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  • kat74m
    • kat74m
      My Children love receiving a video from Santa. The look on their faces is pure magic