I had never heard of Snack a Jacks until recently but when I first tasted them at a party my first thought was, “Yummy!” These snacks are really scrumptious and what better way to celebrate their deliciousness than by getting some in as a freebie.
The freebie is as simple as can be. You click on the link above and then fill in the form. I would advise you to use Internet Explorer as your browser when you are doing this as I had some difficulties with Chrome, and one other person mentioned that they couldn’t get the form to work in Firefox either.
Clearly this is not a freebie optimised for the web!
Anyway, you don’t have a lot to fill in really, you just throw in a couple of bits of information and soon your scrummy snack will be winging its way on to you. I also recommend you sign up for the newsletter so you’re the first to know of any other freebies or special offers.
What do you think of Snack a Jacks? Love 'em? Hate 'em?
Thanks to mitseymoo at HUKD!