This is what I've always dreamed of... that LUSH would launch subscription boxes. 2020 may well have been a big steaming pile of dump so far, but LUSH have just gave us something to be happy for. LUSH Kitchen have been conjuring up a subscription service and we can't wait to sign up.
LUSH Subscription Box
Let me give you the deets... the box isn't cheap at £35 a month plus shipping, but to be honest we didn't expect it to be.
In your monthly box, you'll be delighted to receive 4-5 products and these are exclusive to the subscribers, so it's not stuff you'll find down your local LUSH store. Yippee!
The beauty of it is that you get to vote on what you get in the monthly box, by voting with other subscribers from an ever-changing menu. As well as the stuff you vote for, LUSH Kitchen add in one or two surprise items, which sounds fun!
It's not all bath bombs either, but the selection can be any of the products produced by the popular brand.
Sounds like something you want in your life? Sign up here*, and enjoy the bath time goodies!