Waybuloo: Yo Jo Jo Beanie £3.99 @ Play.com

Waybuloo: Yo Jo Jo Beanie £3.99 @ Play.com

Usually £5.99, this cute kids' TV character with a kooky name is a snip at £3.99!wayb

Waybuloo is like nothing children have ever seen before, the series transports children into a magical land called Nara - a real world, which is inhabited by four adorable CGI animated characters called Piplings. Taking a completely original approach, Waybuloo focuses on children's feelings, and the Piplings each embody a range of emotions, Yojojo the monkey-like Pipling represents happiness, the rabbit-like Pipling Lau Lau represents imagination, De Li is kitten-like and represents love and Nok Tok is the bear-like Pipling who represents wisdom.

Collect your favourite Pipling friends in this adorable assortment of small soft pals! Each friend is the perfect size to take with you on your way. 4 to collect!

With thanks to millarcat on HUKD

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