Down from £9.99 to £5.48 this Vtech Tiny Touch phone price includes free delivery and a saving of £4.51. Oh, yeah! I love these toys, they are both educational and fun for baby to eat on long drives. This particular range has some neat features and with Vtech you know you’re buying good quality too.
There are several different ways for baby to enjoy the phone. The LED buttons light up and twinkle as they count out the numbers between one and four. Plus baby also benefits from shape recognition and motor skill development.
The phone boasts flashing lights, ring tones, engaged tones, dialing tones and even different kinds of voices saying, “Hello?” It’s so close to a real phone its almost scary, and so perfect for baby that loves to mimic mommy and daddy as they chat on their phones.
I must add that when I did catch my daughter copying me on the phone I was rather disturbed by how manic I appeared. Perhaps my little habits of pen flicking and neck bending need to be toned down a little while I chat...
Anywho, this is a delightful toy that’s perfect for kids six months and up and down to a manageable price.
Thanks to lucerysmum at HUKD!