This is extremely cool. I am seriously tempted to get these for myself and keep them for myself. They are exact replicas of the units that Luke and Han used on Hoth and even if it means I am deeply sad, pretending to look for a ice bear and imperial scouts in my living room is fun. Down to only £10.24 including free delivery, this is a bargain for Star Wars fans everywhere.
These optical command unit binoculars are not just amazing Star Wars replicas, they are also educational toys. You build your own command unit using the detailed instructions and then you can use them in three different ways. You can use the real binoculars to see objects far away – just like, well, binoculars.
Then you can pop out the enclosed Magnifier Scope and use it to zoom in really closely on objects. Not your mums skin though, please, we have enough issues without knowing how terrifying our pores look in a magnifying glass.
Finally you can then use the projector to view hologram-like images of Yoda, Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi and many more. The instruction leaflet also comes with detailed information on the history of binoculars and Star Wars optics. Awesome!
Thanks to millarcat at HUKD!