Transformers Lunch Box £2.69 @ Argos eBay Outlet

Transformers Lunch Box £2.69 @ Argos eBay Outlet

transformersLunchBoxIf you have a young Transformers fan in your houshold then this Transformers Lunch Box set will be the ONLY thing they'll want to carry their lunch in.

I suppose I shouldn't really call this Transformers Lunch Box as it's actually a Transformers Lunch BAG.  But it's not just any old Transformers lunch bag, oh no! It's an insulated cool bag.

This Transformers lunch box comes with a sports bottle and a sandwich box too -  (H)24, (W)18.5, (D) - everything a Transformers fan needs to keep their lunch and drink cool.

If you like to know the real knitty-gritty about this Transformers lunch bag then I can also tell you it's made from polyester, non-phthalate PVC (whatever that is) and EVA.

Will this Transformers lunch box transform your life?

Well it rather depends, if you're child goes a bit Decepticon on you when it comes to packed lunches, then this Transformers lunch bag might just persuade them to have more of an Autobot attitude.

Will it change your child's life, no - but they will think it's dead cool though *grin*

The Transformers lunch box is yours for £2.69 plus 99p for express delivery - oooh now that's MUCH better than the £5.95 express delivery charge from the Argos stores - and just in case you're wondering, there's a similar Transformers lunch bag available from Amazon for £8.99.

Thanks to lucerysmum at HUKD

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  • lyndsey t.
    hello i have tried to order a transformer lunch box from argos outlet but there is no where on the screen to click to buy ?are these still avalible to purchase? kind regards Lyndsey