Little Tikes Climb And Slide Castle £49.99 @ Toys R Us

Little Tikes Climb And Slide Castle £49.99 @ Toys R Us

littleTikesClimbAndSlideCastleToys R Us are selling this Little Tikes Climb and Slide Castle for half price - £49.99 instead of £99.99.

There's no way I'd pay £100 for this, not even if the kids had begged for it, but I might have been tempted by £49.99.

All kids love climbing up and over things then sliding down the other side. Sometimes it can be handy having something like this Little Tikes Climb and Slide Castle at home, rather than having to trek off somewhere else to find climbing and sliding fun.

You're going to need to put the Little Tikes Climb and Slide Castle together yourself but don't worry, the official blurb leads us to believe this isn't going to be too tricky.

It features a climbing wall, a crawl tunnel and hideout, a gentle slide and a steering wheel for imaganitive play; this has to be the first castle I've come across with it's own steering wheel, a strange combination but we know the kids are going to love it.

The dimensions are: 127 (l) x 60 (w) x 104 (h) cm so it's not HUGE and could even be played with indoors when the weather isn't so kind.

The reviews for the Little Tikes Climb and Slide Castle are glowing too...

"My 11 month old boy absolutly loves this he loves to hide underneath it and loves the steering wheel on the top best thing we have bought."

"My son has had hours of fun on this he is 17months, I am pleased we got it in the sale as I definitely do not think it would be worth the full price.  Is sturdy and am sure will last for a long while."

"Very sturdy my 2 year old loves and so does the dog!"

Thanks to lucersymum at HUKD

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