Sainsbury's have whipped a third off the price of this Thomas and Friends pop-up storage box, bringing it down to £3.99 instead of £6.
Things like this pop-up Thomas and Friends storage box are such a convenient way to teach your kids to teach themselves the value of a tidy room.
With Thomas the Tank Engine encouraging them to put away their toys it doesn't become a chore at all, and when things you have to do don't feel like chores it's more likely that they'll get done (I wonder when there'll be a grown-up equivalent of this for my vaccuum cleaner, so doing THAT doesn't feel like such a chore every week!).
You don't just have to use these Thomas and Friends pop-up storage boxes for toys, they also make ideal laundry baskets - or, if you're ingenious like my youngest, make-shift bins for playing real-life Paper Toss.
Thomas and Friends pop-up storage boxes are made from 100% polyester and are 44cm high
They are very light and easy to construct - simply unfold the tidy for your child and it's ready to use. Clothes or small toys can then be tidily put away at the end of the day with very little hassle - instant and portable storage; hurrah.
Thanks to lucerysmum at HUKD