Special Agent Oso Toys

 Special Agent Oso Toys

Special Agent OSO 1This offer has been getting a lot of attention. I have to admit I had no idea who Oso was, but apparantly finding a toy from his Disney Channel show is next to impossible and when you do, they're around £30. This is a chance to grab a soft toy now, and avoid the Christmas rush, and only pay £15. Plus delivery - which is £4.95 - if you can't make it to a Disney store.

According to Wikipedia, in case you didn't already know, Oso is "a special agent appearing as a colorful panda bear that helps children. He has a computerized assistant named "Paw Pilot" who tells Oso the 'three special Special Agent OSO 2steps' he needs to accomplish for his current mission. When he accomplishes the tasks, he gets a reward called the "Digi-Medal"."

Special Agent OSO is a panda soft toy, with velour fur, bean bag tummy and jacket and watch details. The toy measures H30xW20cm approx.

Thanks to whiteswan at HUKD!

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  • sarah b.
    Tried to purchase today 29/9/210 all gone the only way anyone will get one is ebay, i think.
    • Lynley O.
      damn that was fast! I knew they'd go quick though, it seems hard to find them. Looks like this might be one of those must have toys for Christmas. Am still suffering from post traumatic stress from the great Power Ranger debacle back in the 90s.
      • julie
        OMG my boys love oso and the gang please we need more stock, i have order personalised t shirts for them from ebay but would really like the bear its self x 2.
        • sarah b.
          i managed too bid for one on ebay cost me £22.00, two weeks ago, but now bidding for them is going crazy. They do have them on amazon website but there £39.99, which i think is crazy for a stuffed teddy, hope you have some luck getting one.
          • Sam
            Special Agent Oso soft toys are available in the Disney Shop and I'm sure they were only about £15 and that was weeks ago when I first saw them. Does anyone know if other toys are available if so where and when?
            • Lisa
              They are now going for £119.99 on Amazon plus £15.00 postage - argh! Keep hoping Disney store online will get them back in stock or perhaps take pre-orders that'd be helpful.
              • Lynley O.
                No way! I wish I'd snapped up one of these Special Agent Oso toys when they were in stock. The resale could have funded Christmas. I wonder if there will be Oso fights in stores this year? I remember the Power Rangers craze with my step son. People were waiting at the back of Toys R Us for the trucks to come in, ripping open cartons as they came off the back!
                • dionne
                  Hello! Just to let you know they have Oso in stock in the disney store in the Bull Ring, Birmingham. Might not be in your area, but if it saves even one panicked parent from being robbed by a greedy ebay seller, then my work here is done. :)
                  • Lynley O.
                    Special Agent Oso back in Disney stores? Hopefully it is more than just Birmingham. Thank you so much for letting us know Dionne. Please if anyone else spots them for sale drop by and let us know!!!
                    • Anna C.
                      Smyth's toy store is cheap, 3 figures 6.99 and online purchase possible
                      • Lynley O.
                        Soft toy Agent Oso?