This seems like a good deal for a trike of this quality. The Space Cadet Trike with parent handle has been reduced by 50% at Toys R Us. Down from £79.99 to £39.99.
Now I never actually used one of these. Son never liked them, and then when he was two we went straight on to a pedaless bike, which I could sling across the back of the pushchair when we went out.
However I know from other mums that most kids really love these trikes. And parents like them too, as the handle means you can push them around when necessary without having to break your back.
The Space Cadet Trike has a sturdy steel frame, rear tipper, adjustable seat, handlebar safety pad, front mudguard.
It doesn't say on the website but I'm going to assume that the parent handle unscrews and detaches, as that's the case with all the other trikes I've come across. You might want to check on this though.
The parent handle also gives you extra confidence that your child will not pedal away without you! The Space Cadet Trike is suitable for children up to 3 years of age.
Thanks to Dandandandaman at HUKD!