Smart Cash Register With Chip And Pin £4.66 @ Amazon

Smart Cash Register With Chip And Pin £4.66 @ Amazon

smartCashRegisterAmazon are selling this Smart Cash Register, complete with Chip and Pin, for £4.66 instead of £8.02 (how random is that 2 pence!).

I remember when cash registers had numeric buttons, maths symbols and pre-set cash amounts; I remember when the cashiers had to ring everything up as though they were adding on a giant calculator and the financial value of each item popped up on numbers - not LCD numbers but REAL pop-up numbers - in the cash register window thingy on the top!!

None of these Smart cash registers with chip and pin back in THOSE day you know!

But toys have to keep up with the times so the Smart cash register comes with interactive sounds (lots of beep beeps I imagine), chip and pin, a moving conveyer belt and a credit card (heaven forbid, kids with credit cards!).

It also comes with the important bits like a play basket and food items and cold hard cash (pretend cold hard cash I'm afraid).

When my youngest went to nursery the ‘nursery shop’ was always one of the most popular play areas and there were often tears from those who didn’t get to push the buttons on the toy cash register.

Cash register toys have to be one of the most time enduring of them all, I adored going over the road to play with the one my best friend had - I never had one of my own.

So there you have it, I'm off to find another deal for you before my 'I didn't have a cash register as a child' sob story takes hold; you'll never hear the end of it, my mum didn't for y-e-a-r-s.

Thanks to wishihadadonkey at HUKD

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