When my little girl was younger I had my eye on an expensive rocking horse that I thought she would love, I didn't buy it as it was over £100 but it looked identical to these fab Rocking Horses which have a much cheaper price tag!
They are available for just £27.99 at This Is It Stores . Plus there's even a gorgeous Rocking Unicorn!
These gorgeous rocking horses have 44% off the retail price of £49.99. There are three options to choose from, a light brown horse, a beige horse and a pink unicorn.
All three have a soft padded saddle and wooden footrests for little ones to ride on. They are traditional rocking horse's that make clickety-clock and neighing noises whenever children press their ear. They have a plush coat and fluffy manes that little ones will just adore playing with!
They would make fantastic Christmas presents for little ones, something they can keep for a very long time.
Home delivery is £3.99 and becomes FREE on orders of £40 or more.