When you shop in discount stores like B&M or Trago Stores, you expect to find brand name products at cut down prices. What you don't expect is to find that you have purchased a counterfeit product. Unfortunately, this has become the case with bottles of Head and Shoulders in a few B&M and Trago Stores across the United Kingdom.
Numerous newspapers have reported that certain bottles of counterfeit Head and Shoulders have been taken off of the shelves in B&M and Trago Stores. Apparently, these aren't just harmless copies, but have been said to contain harmful chemicals. These chemicals have allegedly been causing irritation and sores to the scalps of users.
It has been reported by several websites and papers that one sample of the fake shampoo contained a so-called "sex-change" chemical. Also known as Endocrine Disrupters.
Trago Stores and B&M both were unwillingly selling these items as fakes as they have stated that they were from a reputable supplier whom they have a long-standing business relationship with. These were immediately withdrawn from sale as soon as the retailers were alerted.
We will keep you posted if we find out any more about this story. If you believe you have bought some fake Head and Shoulders then get in contact with the store you purchased it from straight away and DO NOT USE IT under any circumstances.