Mother's Day tends to be the time of year that we find out how our child perceives us. As they write about us in poems or draw a portrait, it's not always flattering but it's how our children see us. Encourage your child to speak about mummy with the Ladybird Peppa Pig "My Mummy" book. It's a nice little story for this time of year plus it can be yours for only £1.
Here's what you need to do:
- You must have a working O2 sim to be eligible.
- Sign up to O2 Priority by downloading the app in Apple App Store or Google Play. You can also sign up here.
- Head to WH Smith
- Request your special voucher code using the O2 Priority App.
- Pick up your Peppa Pig "My Mummy" book in your nearest WH Smith.
- Show the cashier your special O2 Priority voucher code.
- Pay £1.
- Read this Peppa Pig story to your kids.
- Recoil in horror as they proceed to tell you that you have a witch's nose and long boobs OR maybe your children are sweeter than mine and will actually think you are as pretty as a princess!
Thanks to juggler1 @ HUKD