If your little one has a Tonies Toniebox or you're thinking of getting them one for Christmas then Argos have just added a ton of brand new audiobooks for your kids to enjoy. These audiobooks are for slightly older readers, rather than pre-school and include some popular titles!
New Tonies Audiobooks
Wondering what a Tonies Toniebox is?
It's an audio system that lets your kids play music and stories wherever
they go. There's a collection of handpainted characters called Tonies
that unlock stories and songs. Just pop a Tonie on the top of the box
and it will start playing. It's easy to use too - kids can easily change
chapters, fast forward or rewind.
Here are a few of the new audiobooks we spotted:
- tonies Tom Fletcher The Christmasaurus Audiobook Tonie* £9
- tonies David Walliams Gangsta Granny Audiobook Pocket Tonie* £9
- tonies Tom Fletcher The Danger Gang Audiobook Pocket Tonie* £9
- tonies Adam Kay Kay's Anatomy Audiobook Pocket Tonie* £9
- tonies The Adventures of Captain Underpants Audiobook Tonie* £9
- Tonies Rachel Riley's Math Magic Audio Clever Pocket* £9
- tonies Ada Twist & the Perilous Pants Audiobook Tonie* £9
- tonies Rosie Revere & the Raucous Riveters Audiobook Tonie* £9
- Tonies Natural History Museum Discovery Crew Audio Set* £20
Home delivey is £3.95 or you can click and collect free of charge.