Melissa and Doug Magnetic Wooden Animals £5.99 @ Amazon

Melissa and Doug Magnetic Wooden Animals £5.99 @ Amazon

Melissa and Dough Magnetic Wooden Animals are £5.99 at Amazon right now – a 40% saving off the RRP of £9.99.

Magnets go down a treat in our house. My daughter just loves them and they’re fantastic for keeping her busy in the kitchen. She has a barn yard toy, old fashioned plastic letters, numbers and shapes, and a whole bunch of magnets I’ve collected over the course of our travels,  so a nice collection that she plays with.

Melissa and Doug are generally a really good quality product, so I don’t doubt these would be any different. In fact, reviews of this set on Amazon are all four and five stars, with the four-stars missing a point for price or durability – they are printed paper pictures over wood over magnet, so if your child is still chewing everything in sight, it’ll show up on these.

If your child isn’t the chewy type, they’ll  have plenty fun and education learning the names and sounds each of the twenty domestic or wild animals makes, and finding out which ones are wild or farm animals.

Thanks to wishihadadonkey @ HUKD

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