Mega Bloks Squad Fire Patrol Station £19.99 @ Argos

Mega Bloks Squad Fire Patrol Station £19.99 @ Argos

The Argos sale is definitely cooking this year with items being reduced well below their usual retail prices. This is another brilliant deal with the Mega Bloks Squad Fire Patrol Station down from £59.99 to only £19.99 which is a lot less than half price!

Kids can use the Mega Bloks Squad Fire Patrol Station to build their own fire safety building and get ready to rescue the town. The detailed set includes the station building and has loads of cool vehicles as well.

You get a fire patrol chopper landing pad and four unique vehicles to help save the day. The Mega Bloks kit also has five figures and all the usual building accessories that comes to a total of 750 pieces all together. The set is ideal for kids over the age of six and is a whopper, especially for this very tasty low price.

Thanks to kwan8 at HUKD!

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