Mamas & Papas Rocking Lotty Ladybird £17.99 @ Argos

Mamas & Papas Rocking Lotty Ladybird £17.99 @ Argos

RockingbirdOk now this deal screams bargain from every corner of the room. Marked down from £49.99, this is now selling at Argos for only £17.99 and is an absolute gem of a gift for any parent with a baby over nine months old. 

This little rocking ladybird comes with music, crinkle materials, squeakers, rattles and is only 33cm high. It is perfect for the little ones who still love to explore the world with their hands and to learn from touch. I am loving this, if only I knew someone with a nine month old. 

The design looks to be quite sturdy, made of wood with a soft padded seat, handgrips and a footrest. As a mama you won’t worry too much about them hurting themselves as they won’t fall from a great height and lots of birockingbird2ts and pieces have been included for softness and stability. 

It does need batteries that are not supplied though so be sure to stock up on two AA’s before it arrrives. 

Thanks to whizzkid at HUKD!

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  • wendy
    Hi,I purchased this for my 9month old grandaughter & it is beautiful!!! she loves it....just one thing though...mine came with batteries :O)
    • Teetoh
      Can anyone please advise if my 16mths old daughter can use this pretty item? I know it says from 9 months but not sure if it will fit 16mths old. I need a rocker and this seems really pretty. Thanks everyone!