Lamaze Stacking Rings £12.84 @ Amazon

Lamaze Stacking Rings £12.84 @ Amazon

Looking for a gift or a new toy for your baby? These Lamaze Stacking Rings have been reduced by Amazon from £21.99 to £12.84.

My son didn't have these specific ones, but he did have a stacking ring. And it amazed me how engrossed he'd get in it. He'd spend ages getting the rings on, and putting them on in different orders too, as if he was trying out different patterns. As well as getting them in the right order.

As with other toys of this type, with the Lamaze Stacking Rings, the five rings stack on top of each other. One difference is that when baby has stacked them all together they will spin together and play music as a reward. It also has a vital on/off switch. I'm sure any parent will be relieved to hear that!

The stacking rings have different coloured ribbons so can also be used as individual toys for extended play. This toy is suitable for children age 9 months upwards.

Some reviewers on the site found the music good, but even so, irritating after a while. Another problem some found was that the pole comes out too easily. Here's a comment from one reviewer: "My grandson has had loads of fun with this ring stacker! Of course he doesn't use it the way you're supposed to - he prefers to pull the rings off and examine the pole as it tries to keep rotating and playing (he's such a boy!) He has been playing with it since he could sit up and we still haven't lost any of the rings. I like the way the rings have different things sticking out of them - it makes it much easier for tiny hands to hold and pull them. And the tunes it plays are surprisingly non-irritating."

Thanks to wishihadadonkey at HUKD!

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