Lamaze Play & Grow Lion £4.99 @ Amazon

Lamaze Play & Grow Lion £4.99 @ Amazon

I absolutely loved the Lamaze toys that my son had as a baby, and so did he. The colours, the different textures, the bits that made noises – they’re sensory heaven for little ones. The Lamaze Play and Grow Lion is at half price on Amazon right now, marked down from £9.99 to £4.99. For a penny under a fiver you really can’t go wrong, especially as it costs nothing for delivery (provided you use the super saver option). Also ideal for gift buying – you can be the favourite aunt, uncle or friend without having to spend wads of cash.

41Kla4JOcTL._SL500_AA300_"Logon," to give this little leonine friend its proper Lamaze name, has lots of the sorts of interactive, developmental features (or just plain fun, from the babies perspective) you will have come to expect from the brand. For a bit of noisy fun, Logon has a tummy squeaker, and clinky rings on this legs. These rings are also bobbled or textured in different ways to provide various touch sensations for the baby. And of course, if they’re anything like my son, they’ll come in handy for lots of gumming action too.

There’s also a knotted tail, which many babies find highly pleasurable to play through their chubby little fingers as they come to terms with their tiny bodies and learn how to control their actions.

Finally, it has that all important feature that makes Lamaze toys as popular with parents as with babies - a link to attach it to baby gym or more importantly, a pushchair or car seat. Anything that keeps them amused without mum or dad constantly having to retrieve it from the ground is always a good thing!

Thanks to amibees at HUKD!

(UPDATE - already expired)

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