This game might look familiar - it's a Pie Face dupe. Forget paying £15+ though, Jacks Wacky Face Game can be had for a teeny tiny £5. That's cheap for what will be hours of fun. It's normally priced at £20, so you're saving £15!
The Jacks Wacky Face Game plays just like Pie Face. Put a wet sponge (included) or some squirty cream on the hand, spin to see how many times to turn the handle and wait for the splat.
For £5, this will bring much hilarity over the festive season. The kids will love it but not as much as the adults.
You can't Click and Collect your Jacks Wacky Face Game unless it's part of an order totalling £10 or more. Delivery is £3.99 (FREE when you spend £40+).
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