IM-ME £10 @ The Entertainer

IM-ME £10 @ The Entertainer

imme1This gadget has been marked down from a hefty £54.99 to a minute £10 at The Entertainer, making it one big fat hairy bargain of the day! A perfect gift, a stunning stocking filler, and promising hours of fun for little girls (and boys), IM-Me is an electronic gadget du jour.

IM-Me is a portable wireless instant messaging handheld device (try saying that six times before coffee). You plug the antenna into the USB port on your PC and use the software and your internet access to connect your IM-Me console to the closed network. Then connect with your friends through other IM-Me consoles, or ask friends to visit to download the software so they can connect with your IM-Me.

Once you've exchanged user names with friends you can build your own community on IM-Me, store 15 friends, and instant message your buddies anytime, anywhere, with the wireless antenna. Kids can even have three at once. I like the fact that this is private and safe and is im-me-spectrum-analyzernot linked into any other "open" instant messaging services, keeping your kids safe.

I am not a fan of the fact that, really, you need two to make it fun because it just isn't as much of a blast for the kid who has to sit at the computer. Now the price is down to £10 it is slightly less of a silly gimmick and more of a fun toy.

Thanks to misseymooset at HUKD!

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