The Imaginext Aircraft Carrier has been reduced from£59.99 to £14.99 at 24Studio and comes with a bunch of cool accessories and extras. This is a huge saving and is part of their clearance sale that’s running at the moment.
The Imaginext Aircraft Carrier comes with two planes, two figures and loads of play accessories. It is 60cm in length and is only suitable for kids over the age of four. There certainly seems to be a lot of cool stuff included if you look at the picture here so I can’t help but think that this is a great Christmas gift buy.
Joining 24Studio and being led through their mad payment process and weird setup is a pain and has, I think, been structured to sting clients with their high interest rates so they can make a profit. However, if you pay this immediately, then it’s a great deal.
Thanks to lep at HUKD!