Gruffalo Soft Toy £14.99 @ WHSmith

Gruffalo Soft Toy £14.99 @ WHSmith

theGruffaloSoftToyI WANT HIM!!!  I want this Gruffalo Soft Toy from WHSmith!!

I fell in love with the Gruffalo when my daughter came back from school, many years ago, with the Gruffalo story in her book bag; he's been part of our lives ever since.

My youngest is a big Gruffalo fan too; we were all V E R Y excited last Christmas when The Gruffalo hit the TV screens, he's also been to see it at the theatre and loved every. single. second of it.

I have the Gruffalo 2011 Wall Planner that I wrote about a couple of weeks ago (seriously, go and get one - it's the most fabulous thing EVER!) but we don't, as yet, have a Gruffalo Soft Toy!!

I'm not sure how I've been so remiss as to have allowed this to happen, but that will be rectified as soon as I click 'Buy' in a minute (it's cost me a fortune writing for PlayPennies this morning!).

If you have no idea who the Gruffalo is then you need to sort that out asap!

Start with buying this 16" Gruffalo soft toy, get a copy of the book and DVD for your youngster, get a Gruffalo wall planner for yourself and be prepared to fall in love with him.

By they way, he should cost £29.99 but WHSmith are letting him go to new homes for £14.99 instead.

I'm off to click 'Buy' - Happy Gruffalo'ing!

Thanks to whizzkid over at HUKD!

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