Gruffalo Hand Puppet £14.88 @ Amazon

Gruffalo Hand Puppet £14.88 @ Amazon

Amazon are selling this Gruffalo hand puppet for £14.88 instead of £22.99.  I have seen it cheaper than this, by a couple of pounds, but at the moment Amazon win the prize for having the lowest price - Play are next cheapest with £17.98 and you don't even want to bother with the rest of the usual suspects.

I am completely and utterly head over heels in love with this Gruffalo hand puppet.  I thought the Gruffalo soft toy was cute but this little chap 'out cutes' him by MILES.  It's hard to imagine that there's a single person on the planet who doesn't know who the Gruffalo is or hasn't, at the very least, heard of him.  But just in case you're one of them...

The Gruffalo lives in the deep, dark wood. He has knobble knees, turned out toes and a poisonous wart on the end of his nose. Not only that, he has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws.

I can just see this Gruffalo hand puppet making a fabulous ally in the 'it's bedtime' battle when it arises - and trust me, at some point in your child's life, it WILL - he's big enough for an adult hand and would, I'm sure, have your child leaping into bed to hear the Gruffalo 'reading' his own story.

If you're a Gruffalo fan then I wouldn't wait too long before - hello...? Are you still here...?  Oh, it looks like you've abandoned me and skipped over to Amazon already to grab your Gruffalo hand puppet before Amazon put his price up or he goes out of stock; very sensible.

Happy Gruffalo Grabing!

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