No Fear Micro Scooter £8 @ Sports Direct

No Fear Micro Scooter £8 @ Sports Direct

No Fear Micro ScooterI don't go anywhere these days without my son's micro scooter. Plus there's a fabulous area to go scooting up at our local park. I thoroughly recommend getting a two wheel one as soon as you can, as it really helps teach them about balance. I'd also recommend going for one like this No Fear Micro Scooter that can be folded down. Sports Direct has reduced this from £24.99 to £8.

This is not a scooter that is suitable for jumps and stunts though, you need to get the specially made ones for that. However, the No Fear Micro Scooter is perfect for kids on the go with a lightweight and durable construction for increased speed and maneouverability. Although from a parent's perspective, as you see them disappear at speed in the park, that's not always a good thing!

It has a rear friction footbrake should you need to stop safely, or need to slow down when going down hills.

This scooter has an easily foldable frame, perfect for transport and an adjustable handlebar to suit your riding pose. The maximum rider weight is 50 kgs.

Thanks to Doobs at HUKD!

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  • Pinky
    Hi, what age range would you say this scooter is suitable for? I can't find anything on the site that mentions age suitability? Thanks :)
    • Lynley O.
      I have no idea Pinky, I can only go by the same info that you do. Perhaps try the site? I started my son on a two wheel scooter when he was five and a half. He is six now and is only really just getting the hang of it. Some kids do better younger though. I ride his scooter when he's not around, such as when taking it with me to get him from school!