Cup Cake Baby Maddy sucks, burps, sleeps and does all sorts of other realistic baby things, enough to make you faintly disturbed as a parent. She is down from her usual price of £35 to a far more pleasant £17.50 at ELC.
Maddy is a lifelike motion and sound -sensitive doll that your child will enjoy dressing, changing and caring for. She will talk in a funny little baby voice – babbling and giggling from time to time. Her cheeks move and she makes realistic noises as she sucks on her dummy or bottle.
Cup Cake Baby Maddy also burps, yawns and falls asleep after feeding. According to the product description on the site this is just like a real baby. It made me giggle because most parents know that after feeding you’ve got changing, burping, calming, more burping, more changing and MAYBE, if you’re lucky, some sleeping.
Maddy responds to loud noises by crying and you can stop her from howling by rubbing her tummy and cuddling her. She comes with a bottle, pillow, dummy, nappy, sleepsuit, blanket and bib. We own this doll and it stopped working after about three months so I can’t really recommend it, but this is a slightly updated version so perhaps it won’t be as rubbish.
Thanks to lucerysmum at HUKD!