Cuddly Microwaveable Easter Chick £4.99 @

Cuddly Microwaveable Easter Chick £4.99 @

chickThere are soooo many great puns running through my head right now for this deal...

So that's one of them out of the way!  Easter is upon us and sometimes chocolate can get a bit much; yes it can, especially if you have a big family like I do.  Ten tons of chocolate comes into the house and everyone weighs a ton more at the end of Easter; ten tons of chocolate is bought for everyone else and my bank account is tons lighter.

So how about this cute little chap instead?  TOTALLY adoreable, practical, will last a lifetime and is fat-free and calorie free - PERFECT for Easter fans on a diet and great for the bank account as he's reduced from £9.99 down to £4.99 and there is no delivery to pay.

Now, the person you're giving this cheeky little chick to might need to toughen up a bit if they are slightly sensitive - my daughter had a really hard time putting her microwaveable bunny in, shutting the door and then nuking him for two minutes, which is all you need to do to end up with a warm cuddly ball of yellow Easter fluffiness.

I love this as an idea for an alternative Easter pressie; perhaps there's someone you know who would too.

Thanks to amibees over at HUKD!

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