If you’re after girl’s dress up toys right now, you’ll love the Chad Valley 4-in-1 Fantasy Set on sale at Argos Ebay. It doesn’t say how much it used to cost, but it’s now £4.49, plus .99p for delivery, making it £5.48 all in.
In royal purple, this set is a four in one consisting of a crown, necklace, star-shaped sceptre and “high-heeled” shoes.
The crown, or tiara, has sequins and sparkles, and is pretty much the quality you expect from these things, but they are brand new items from Argos. They do say, however, that the packaging might be damaged as it’s been shipped around but one of our lovely HUKD folk mentioned that she’d ordered a few bits from them recently and has been very impressed with how quickly it’s been delivered, so that’s always a good start.
These are suitable from age 3 up and would make great stocking fillers, advent calendar gifts or a nice present as a four in one gift.
Thanks to missgem and EmmaHarris at HUKD