Buzz And Woody To The Rescue Lego £7.48 @ Amazon

Buzz And Woody To The Rescue Lego £7.48 @ Amazon

The Lego Toy Story set – Woody and Buzz to the Rescue – is down from £14.99 to £7.48 on Amazon and is delivered for free with their Super Saver delivery plan. This is a decent price for a Lego set and would make a lovely Christmas gift.

The Lego Toy Story Buzz and Woody to the Rescue kit includes Woody, Buzz Lightyear with a rocket and a buildable RC. You pull back the RC and watch them take off and you can even attach Buzz to the Big One Rocket and pretend he is about to shoot into the stratosphere.

Kids can recreate the scenes from the original Toy Story where poor old Buzz was tied to a rocket by that nasty boy and where they raced to catch up with the moving truck using the car and the rocket. The Lego kit seems to have lots of extra bits and pieces so you can build up the RC as well as all the pieces you need to make the game more fun.

Thanks to geegee-pinata at HUKD!

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  • angelamarsden
    forget it..already put the price up
    • flashmcnicol
      Back at a tenner today. But the one at the bottom of pricing is a bargain at 39.99 with 25 quid postage me thinks!!