Build Your Own Den Kit £10 @ The Works

Build Your Own Den Kit £10 @ The Works

If your kids are always borrowing your blankets and the kitchen chairs to build a den this could be a brilliant buy for you, as this Build Your Own Den Kit is just £10 at The Works.

This kit contains 75 pieces with a mixture of sturdy plastic rods and connectors so that children can create and build their very own custom made den. They can design a fort, an igloo, a castle or whatever they want, then pop a blanket over the top and enjoy the den!

An adult will need to help as the connectors do need a grown up to be able to get the rods into place properly, and to make sure they are secure, so this on one to enjoy with the kids rather than send them off to do on their own.

You can use this outside in the garden, or indoors for a fun rainy day activity.

Click and collect is free of charge, home delivery is free on orders of £20 or more, or costs £2.99 when you spend less.

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