Ant World £4.87 @ Amazon

Ant World £4.87 @ Amazon

KantsI was never into keeping small animals like ants and cockroaches in a box but it appears that I was the one who wasn’t normal! This complete kit allows kids to experience the amazing world of ants and has been marked down from £12.99 to only £4.87 with free delivery at Amazon. 

What amuses me the most about this deal is that it says, “Children are encouraged to find the ants themselves, however, they can also be ordered from Interplay.” I can’t decide whether to laugh or feel really sorry for ants that have to endure the postal system. 

Needless to say, the entire system has replenishable spare parts and will last for as long as your kids find it fascinkants2ating. It also neatly fits into the National Curriculum Science Life Processes and Living Things Key Stages One and Two through the use of teachers notes. 

You’ll watch the ants build a new home, see how they work, feed and communicate and how they live out their lives. The set includes a plastic ant housing, tubing, scene stickers, feeding pipette, tunnelling sand and instructions.   

Thanks to abbielonglegs at HUKD!

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