Shakespeare’s Treasure Hunt For Father’s Day

Shakespeare’s Treasure Hunt For Father’s Day

shakrespearOk, so I promised you that I would hunt down all sorts of different Father’s Day ideas and I definitely think that this one fits the bill. It’s a completely brilliant pressie for the more literary minded Dad, especially if he enjoys puzzling things out and pootling around online.

By entering Dad into the competition, he has the chance of finding the location of a secret treasure that is hidden somewhere in England. He has to use the clues provided online to locate the site (not in the real world, but online) to win a gold and diamond mask with rubies and emeralds inset into it.

Yeah! A mad and intriguing gift indeed. In the first part of the quest you’ll be given 15 questions that you need to answer. For the second part you are given 37 paintings, each of which contains a single clushakes1e, When you put the answers together a riddle will appear and this will lead you to the treasure.

The competition starts at midnight on April 22nd 2010 and ends at midnight on April 23rd 2011. The draw for the mask will take place in 2011 so you may have to wait a while to find out if your Dad has won. It will only cost you a tenner to buy this as a Father’s Day present and the money goes to a good cause. Bargain!

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