Shriek!!! I have a bit of a thing about buying 'cool' trainers for my little munchkins. In the past I have bought Donald Duck Adidas, Dr Seuss Converse, Adventure Time Doc Martens and now I have my eye on Sesame Street Puma. That's right... Puma and Sesame Street have done a collaboration range and it's seriously cute.
It's available to buy now and you can choose from Cookie Monster*, Elmo* and Oscar the Grouch*. These start at 'just' £33 a pair.
I want them all but at £40 a pair for the suede* ones, that just ain't happening. The thing with collaborations like this, they can sell out never to be seen again. However, I shall hold my water with these in the hope they don't go before a Sale comes along.
If you are popping over to the Puma site, then you might just want to treat yourself - they have 20% off selected footwear for men* and women*.