Accessorize aren't known for their bargains, but are famous for their gorgeous bags, jewellery and accessories. They've just launched an offer that we cannot refuse, and that's 50% off selected bestsellers. It's includes hats, hair accessories and more.
50% Off At Accessorize
There are 25 items included in the 50% off deal at Accessorize, and it's safe to say I want them all. We all know someone that loves to be fancy, so surprise them this Christmas with something nice, and save yourself money too.
The Tommie Midi Dome Backpack* is reduced from £30 to just £15, and comes in a choice of four different colours. It's both practical and stylish.
It's cold out there, so why not treat yourself to a big, cosy scarf? These Wells Supersoft Blanket Scarves* are so cheap at £9 each, that I'm gonna grab a couple of different colours.
Click and Collect is FREE of charge from any Accessorize or Monsoon store, or you can opt for Home Delivery at £2.