We already wrote about the Clubcard Boost where you can double up your Tesco Clubcard Vouchers to spend on school uniform. Well, the offer is also now on School Stationery, and included in it are some items that are 65% off!
There are just a few items in this offer, but all are big sets reduced down from £20 a pack to just £7 - and if you use the Clubcard Boost you can get a set for just £3.50 worth of points! That's a fantastic offer for Tesco customers, and will be a huge help with the back to school expenses.
You could get a 28 Pack of Sharpie Markers, a 72 piece BIC Colouring Set, a Staedtler New Stationery Collection with pens, pencils, highlighters and more. There are also two different Pukka Pads sets at the same price.
I can't see myself ever splashing out £20 on a pack of stationery for my sons to lose bit by bit, but £3.50 in points? Now that's a different matter entirely. (Although I will never trust them with permanent markers).
As usual, you can click and collect these items for free from any Tesco store, or home delivery will add an extra £3.
Thanks to cookie_monster28 @ HUKD