The Very Hungry Caterpillar Giant Floor Puzzle £4.65 @ Sainsbury's

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Giant Floor Puzzle £4.65 @ Sainsbury's

puzzleOOOH here's a deal that combine two of my favourite things to kick of a new week here at PlayPennies - ladies and gentleman, I give you The Very Hungry Caterpillar Giant Floor Puzzle.

I think it should be made law that every child in the land has at least one Very Hungry Caterpillar something from as early on in their lives as possible.

There's just something about him and his story about eating and eating and eating until he's a huge FAT caterpillar, wrapping himself up inside a cocoon and then emerging as a beautiful butterfly - it's magic.

And he's so colourful and, well, just utterly iconic. So combine him with the fabulousness of a giant floor puzzle and you can't go wrong.

Puzzles are great for kids, they develop pattern recognition and fine motor skills, there's a huge sense of achievement as you fit all the pieces together and see the picture emerging.

vhc2And then there's the sense of triumph you get when you fit that last piece in and it's DONE!!

There are 24 pieces to this Very Hungry Caterpillar giant floor puzzle, it measures 49cms x 69 cms when it's all together and comes in a carry case to keep it all in.

It has been reduced from £6.99 to £4.65 and is available to collect or have delivered (for £3.95).

Thanks to parrotmad over at HUKD!

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