The VTech Baby Trike to Bike would make a brilliant birthday present for any little person. It's unisex and now only £17.50 from Amazon, at the moment. This normally sells for £30+, so this is a cracking buy at under £18!
The VTech Baby Trike to Bike is both a bike and trike as the name suggests. Like all VTech toys, it's interactive too and features two modes of play that teach about shapes, colours and motorbike items. The arrows keys show left and right, whilst the speedometer can spin and makes an engine sound.
To turn the bike from bike from trike just switch the wheels. This seems like a good toy for those that need to learn how to balance.
If you are spending £60+ on baby items including this VTech Baby Trike to Bike then click here to see how you can get £15 off your order.
You can have the VTech Baby Trike to Bike delivered for FREE if you have Amazon Prime or are spending £20+. Delivery is £3.99 otherwise, so you are better off just adding something costing £2.50+, like this Captain Calamity DVD*.