Toys R Us are selling this Space Cadet trike, with parent handle, for half price; £39.99 instead of £79.99.
This little Space Cadets trike is suitable for little people up to aged three, i is likely to be their first foray into the world of pedal power and I'm sure they'll love it.
I loved my first bike (I don't remember what I had before then, but I'm reliably informed that I often had to be surgically removed from it at the end of the day) and all my children loved pedalling along on their first trikes too.
Until young legs are strong enough to pedal on their own, it can all be a bit tricky. Then when they CAN pedal along by themselves, it can all get a bit scary as they head for road seemingly oblivious to your cries of, "STOP!!"
Hurrah, then, for the parent handle!
It allows you to push them along when they need a helping hand and acts as a brake when you need to retain some sort of control.
The Space Cadet trike also has a rear tipper for putting things in and then tipping them out of - my youngest son would have had hours of fun with that alone.
You can click, reserve and pay for your Space Cadets trike in-store OR, you can £4.95 for home delivery.
Happy Space Cadet Triking!