This Pedal Digger Ride On Toy is a fantastic buy for the Summer. I'm sure little one's would have loads of fun riding around on this in the garden.
Over at Studio the Pedal Digger has been reduced to just £34.99 from £99.99. Hurry, this will sell fast!
This pedal digger is suitable for ages 3 and up, but I think if your little one can reach the pedals then they should be fine. It has a comfy seat and pedals to make the digger move. There's also a scoop that can be dropped down to lift things up. The dimensions are 52 x 45 x 106cm.
My daughter has a similar ride on toy at her grandparents, it belonged to my younger brother about 20 years ago and now my daughter loves riding around on it. Her favourite thing to do is scoop up the grass after her grandad has mowed the lawn!
Home delivery is an extra £5 but this is still a fantastic price for this fab Digger!