My youngest son is two soon, and we have been looking for a reasonably priced Smart Trike type ride on for him. The Little Tikes 4-in-1 Sports Edition Trike is just £40 at Amazon. That's one of the best prices I have ever seen it for. It tends to be £50-£70 normally. Amazon reckon the RRP is £99, but I have never seen it selling for that much. All in all, at £40, this is a great price.
The Little Tikes 4-in-1 Sports Edition Trike can be used from as young as 9 months and can be adjusted to suit children as old as 3 years old.
With an adjustable push handle you have control of your little one whilst they ride the Trike. There's a footrest too so their feet don't drag behind. Once older, the footrest can be removed, so that your tot can pedal and the steering can be unlocked too.
When you are confident that your child can go themselves then you ca remove the handle and let them ride off. The Trike also includes a removable shade canopy.
This fun ride-on has a 4.5 star rating, which suggests to me that it's a good one.
As it's over £20, delivery is completely FREE of charge.
Thanks to Deanidge