This HOMCOM Kids Trike is one of the coolest tricycles around! It looks pretty expensive too but don't worry, we have found it for just £31.19 delivered at eBay!
eBay currently have 20% off selected sellers when you enter the discount code BAG20. This offer is on until 24th March so move quickly to bag a bargain!
This HOMCOM Tricycle is a great toy for kids, ideal for any child from 18months and over. Made from a metal frame with moulded wheels, it comes with a thick handle bars with a bell.
This is a great way to introduce your child to a bicycle without the need to balance at early stages.
It has an RRP of £77.99 but is down to £38.99 via eBay seller mhstarukltd. However if you use the discount code BAG20 you end up paying just £31.19 with free delivery!
This Outsunny Garden Gazebo is only £27.99 delivered with the code too!
Don't forget the discount code ends on the 24th March!