Teaching the kids to ride a bike can be tricky. Thankfully, you can buy a Balance Bike that helps your child to gain confidence and stability. Asda George have the Evo Training Balance Bike in Blue from £29.25 now £18, or Pink down from £24 now £18.
The Evo Training Balance Bike has adjustable handle bars and seat height, which means it'll still be of use as your child grows. The training bike will have them running first and pedalling. It's great for helping little ones to develop the balance and coordination they need to ride a 'big' bike without stabilisers.
With the warmer weather coming up, these are great for the kids to play outside on.
You can Click and Collect the Evo Training Balance Bike for FREE from an Asda store near you or pay £2.95 to have it delivered to your front door.
Thanks to wishihadadonkey