Learning to ride a bike isn't all plain sailing, many children find it hard to begin with. I can recommend a balance bike which we used with our daughter. It makes the transition to a bike so much easier and many children don't even need stabilisers once they have used a balance bike.
This Kiddimoto White Curve Police Balance Bike looks like a pretty cool bike! Kiddimoto is a great brand and is well known for it's sturdy designs.
The great news is that you don't have to pay the £74.99 retail price to get your hands on this fab little bike. You can grab one for just £29.99 from over at TK Maxx!
It's a wooden bike so you know it's going to feel nice and sturdy and it comes in the style of a police bike. Your little ones can have lots of fun whizzing about pretending to be police officers!
It has an adjustable seat which is always handy with growing kids! It's a great little bike for beginners and is suitable for ages 3-6 years.
Home delivery is £3.99 and becomes FREE when you spend £50 or more. You can also Click and Collect your order to selected TK Maxx store's for FREE.